Tudor Players’ One Man, Two Guvnors – 16 February 2023, Library Theatre# Review by Claire Taranaski. I came into this review slightly bias as have previous seen the national tour of this Richard Bean comedy and loved it but also knew that if any company in Sheffield could pull it off it was Tudor Players […]

Wales Community Theatre Players’ Aladdin – 14th January 2023, Montgomery Theatre Review by Claire Taranaski (and three year old Heidi). Our first review of 2023 is also my first panto review in four years and most importantly my three year old daughter Heidi’s first panto. I’ll admit we were nervous about how Heidi would react […]

Supas’ 9 to 5 – 8 December 2022, Sheffield University Drama Studio Review by Claire Taranaski. It’s been nearly four years since I last reviewed SUPAS and have been at the Drama Studio and this musical, probably twice as old as many if not all of the cast, reminded me what I was missing and […]

STOS Theatre Company’s Sunshine On Leith – 15 November 2022, Lyceum Theatre Review by Claire Taranaski. I’m starting this review with a confession, I’m a huge fan of The Proclaimers, the film version of Sunshine On Leith and Edinburgh (where I have previously seen the musical performed) so I came to the opening night with […]