Sheffield University Theatre Company’s Lights Over Tesco Car Park – 15 November 2023, Raynor Lounge, Bar One Review by Claire Taranaski. SUTCO’s Latest production should also be the production they take up to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival as it would fit in perfectly to the annual festival from the minute I stepped into the room […]

Tudor Players’ A Christmas Carol – 17 October 2023, Library Theatre Review by Claire Taranaski. Yes we are mentioning the “C” word with over two months to go until Christmas but I knew that if anything was going to put me in the Christmas spirit (other than visits from the three spirits themselves) it was […]

The Company’s Night Of The Living Dead Live – 28 September 2023, University Drama Studio Review by Claire Taranaski. I have a confession, The Company’s latest production was not what I wanted to be. George A Romero’s original 1968 horror masterpiece Night Of The Living Dead is one of my favourite films of all time […]

Sheepish Productions’ The Last Motel – 8 September 2023, Theatre Deli, Sheffield Review by Claire Taranaski. I was delighted to attend the season launch of Theatre Deli Sheffield’s autumn programme, which included Sheepish Productions’ The Last Motel, but when reviews already compare it to the likes of “Inside No. 9”, Stephen King’s “Misery”, Lynch and […]

Wrongsemble’s The (Not So) Big Bad Wolf – 11 August 2023, Sheffield Amphitheatre Review by Claire Taranaski. We are already missing the Montgomery Theatre, whilst it’s closed for refurbishment, so are glad for “Monty On The Move” especially as it meant could spent an hour this afternoon in the sunshine to see are first show […]

Tudor Players’ Carrie’s War – Library Theatre, 13 June 2023 Review by Claire Taranaski. Although Tudor Players is best known among its fans for bringing high quality comedy plays to the Library Theatre stage, I first fell in love with the company six years ago (thank you programme for reminding me) with their superb adaption […]