Tiny Fragments of Beautiful Light – 13 February 2025, Sheffield University Drama Studio

Review by Taylor J.
Allison Davies’, ‘Tiny Fragments of Beautiful Light’, vulnerably articulates, layer by layer, how sharing one’s lived experience of isolating incidents can call in community, love and understanding. Elsa learns her sensitivity can be her superpower.
“You’re different, and different gets you hurt ” – Mam.
The audience is taken down the heart-rending path of misunderstandings, miscommunication and misdiagnoses. Exploring relatable topics of sexual exploration, without shame, being the odd one out in what feels like every room and the frustrating feeling like you are speaking a different language when simply expressing your thoughts, even to yourself.
The enchanting sound design by Roma Yagnik was like a visceral ASMR bubbly dream, right in your seat. Paired with silent disco headphones, every audience member had a customisable version of Elsa’s story, for those wanting the full auditory thrills or a relaxed, ambient experience. The interactive experience continued with a ‘stimming’ break, for the audience to have a stretch in their seat and give a safe space for those who might need a physical exhale. Creating a beautiful sea of free-flowing limbs.
The turning point in Elsa’s story was finding places and people that suited her, instead of trying to squeeze and morph into every nook and cranny that therapists, teachers and classmates wanted her in. Understanding this was not as simple, even with the unconditional love from her mother, only she could be the one to express herself, safely and authentically.
Until hearing an interview of someone sharing their own lived experience, Elsa felt alien in uncharted waters in her social, professional and personal life but hearing this shared experience, sparked Elsa to seek out answers for herself and led her to a safe, supportive environment.
We all need a “Carmen” in our lives and hopefully, when we find them, we do not push away love, because it is new and unfamiliar. Portrayed by Yemisi Oyinloye, was a multi-rolling force of nature, and as Carmen, we see how capable of love Elsa is, despite her own beliefs from previous experience. We are witness to the compromising, understanding and forgiving nature we must possess to love and accept each other, flaws and all. When we find someone who understands us, especially without words, it’s a rare and beautiful thing and seeing their love blossom and bloom onstage was magical!