Top five shows to see this October Along with our regular reviews from this month onwards we are also going to recommend in advance our top shows to see in Sheffield during the month ahead. So here goes, in date order, with October: Julie Murphy – 6 October 2018, Heeley Institute If we weren’t at a […]

Songlines – 5 September 2018. Theatre Deli, Sheffield I’ve seen Edinburgh Fringe shows at and before the festival before but not afterwards, so when I was offered tickets to see Songlines, straight after its trip to the Fringe and to mark the launch of the new season at Theatre Deli, Sheffield I could not say […]

Six shows you must see at Edinburgh Fringe 2018 After spending the last week at the Edinburgh Fringe, these are our six shows, in alphabetical order, that if you are going up to the Edinburgh Fringe this year, I urge you not to miss. Comfort Food Cabaret After a day out of Edinburgh touring whisky […]