Rik Carranza’s Star Trek vs Star Wars – 25 January 2018, Leadmill, Sheffield Being in a relationship with the former chair of Sheffield University’s Star Trek society has turned me into more of a sci-fi fan than I can ever imagine, which is how I found myself with him and two of his ex-housemates at […]

Ewen MacIntosh (aka Big Keith from The Office) – Interview Fans of The Office, and I know there are millions of you, will be delighted to know that Ewen Macintosh (aka Big Keith) will be hosting The Office Quiz at the Leadmill in Sheffield on Tuesday 6 February. Ewen will be quizzing the audience on […]

Sheffield Comedy Festival – Interviews Despite being on the Last Laugh mailing list I came very late to this year’s Sheffield comedy festival but that hasn’t stopped me interviewing some of the fantastic comedians still to perform at the festival, including Ro Campbell and Lou Conran. Me: What can we expect from your new stand […]

Morgan and West – The interview I first came across Morgan and West when asked my Facebook friends for show recommendations during one of my first visits to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and someone I have an obscure connection with (see a later question) recommended them. From my second row seat I enjoyed one of […]

Rosie Wilby – Off The Shelf interview To mark one of my favourite Sheffield festivals, the literature and words festival Off The Shelf, taking place from 7th to 28th October, I was delighted to interview award winning comedian and Radio 4 regular Rosie Wilby, who will be performing her show “The Conscious Uncoupling”, which links […]